• Oct 30, 2024

    Book presentation debute novel IJsvogel

    Querido will publish IJsvogel, Lotta Blokker's debut, in October. We cordially invite you to celebrate the publication of this novel with us at the Athenaeum bookstore in Amsterdam.
    Wednesday October 30
    Entry from 7 p.m., program starts at 7:30 p.m
    Spui 14-16, Amsterdam

  • Oct 01, 2024

    In the final for Artist of the year 2025

    Lotta Blokker has a chance to win the honorary title of Artist of the Year 2025. You can cast your vote here:

  • Sep 19, 2024

    Bronze statue is placed in the Thérèse Schwartzepark pond

    The world around you keeps racing. Sometimes life is so busy that there is little time left to live. A young man stands on the water in the pond and reflects in the water. He is barefoot and wearing loose trousers, as if he has just stepped out of bed. His eyes are closed but his body opens. The sculpture of this young man symbolizes a moment of rest in which he connects with himself and with his environment. Whether it rains, snows, storms or is sunny, the young man standing in the pond takes his moment of rest. The relaxed man reminds the admirers of Holland Park to enjoy the moment every now and then. You don't need anything more to be happy.
    This bronze sculpture of Lotta Blokker was offered in September 2024 by Bergwijkstadspark BV and Invesco Real Estate, to welcome the new residents and entrepreneurs in Holland Park and as a thank you for the valued collaboration with the Municipality of Diemen.
    The sculpture was bronzed by Art Casting.

  • May 30, 2023

    Museum de Fundatie purchases the sculpture Falling Man

    Behind Lotta Blokker’s sculptures shimmer iconic images that everyone knows. Falling Man is based on a photograph by Richard Drew. He took a picture of a man jumping out of the window of the World Trade Centre on 9/11. Despite the man becoming a world-famous icon and a symbol of 9/11, his identity has never been fully clarified.

    The sculpture can be seen in the sculpture garden at Kasteel Het Nijenhuis

  • Nov 05, 2021

    Lotta Blokker has been named Artist of the year 2022


  • Sep 04, 2021

    Opening of Lotta Blokker - BEELDEN in Museum de Fundatie

    Lotta Blokker has the gift of making her bronzes appear almost to breathe.
    She proved it in 2014 in her solo show The Hour of the Wolf at Museum de Fundatie. Keenly observed images of people in the indeterminate zone between waking and sleeping. For me, the absolute highlight was an image of an old lady with Alzheimer’s, whose half-focused gaze went right through me. Visitors still buttonhole me about it and each of them recalls their own favourite.
    So what do you do if you can make time stand still, or maybe even turn back the clock, to avert impending disaster?
    In recent years, Lotta Blokker has devoted herself to producing images, sculptures, that are a lesson in the communication of injustice and grief. She has sought to uncover the secret of the iconic image capable of instantly changing our perception of war, disaster and injustice.
    She works in an intense and personal way, with an unremitting desire to heal, restore or negate all that is intolerable in our world.
    Lotta Blokker – SCULPTURES is an exhibition about the Holocaust, Vietnam, famine, 9/11, and refugees. It is concerned with people, victims and powerlessness, but also with the healing power of art.

  • Sep 04, 2021

    Catalogue LOTTA BLOKKER - BEELDEN available now


  • Jul 18, 2021

    The artwork '3 generations of Moluccans' was voted the most beautiful outdoor sculpture of the East region

    The artwork '3 generations of Moluccans' was voted the most beautiful outdoor sculpture of the East region during the election of the most beautiful outdoor artwork by NPO Radio 4. The work was made by Lotta Blokker and can be admired at the rear of the Oude Kerk in Barneveld.

  • Apr 16, 2021


    The statue was envisaged as being inspired by notions of the Levant and the Mediterranean and as acknowledging the debt all modern societies owe to humble peasantry. Over 80 submissions from 30 countries were received. After considerable deliberation, the submissions were reduced to six finalists. In their own way, each of the finalists represented an outstanding interpretation of the competition brief; an artistic vision of the universal “Noble Peasant”.The works of the six finalists were displayed in exhibitions held at the prestigious Royal Society of Sculptors in London and at the Art Rooms in Kyrenia.An international jury was convened in Cyprus where, after intense deliberations, a winner and runners-up were selected. The work chosen was the magnificent submission of Lotta Blokker from the Netherlands, a sculptor of international renown.The project will be designed, built and taken to its final conclusion by ARUCAD - the Arkin University of Creative Arts and Design, in collaboration with local and international experts in the field. The statue, when it is constructed, will boldly enhance the location and will be a holistic icon of Cyprus and a high-visibility tourist attraction. Nestling in the Five Finger Mountain Range and facing the town of Kyrenia, the iconic statue will dominate the skyline for hundreds of years.

  • Dec 31, 2019

    Museum de Fundatie purchases the sculpture "Kevin Carter"

  • Dec 01, 2019

    Vestische Child and Youth Clinic in Datteln purchases the sculpture "Muted"

  • Oct 01, 2019

    ARUCAD - Arkin University of Creative Arts and Design purchases the sculptures Kevin Carter en I am here now

  • Apr 05, 2019

    The Hour of the Wolf in Recklinghausen

    During the Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghause, one of Europe's largest theater festivals, the sculptures of The Hour of the Wolf will be exhibited at the st. Peterchurch. The exhibition is a collaboration with Telefonseelsorge.

  • May 29, 2018

    Unveiling of the sculpture in Barneveld: 3 generations of Moluccans in the Netherlands

  • May 07, 2018

    Sculpture purchased by the Apostle church, Münster

    After the exhibition "Closely Related" during Skulptur Projecte Münster 2017, the sculpture "See me" was purchased by the Apostle Church. The sculpture was placed in May, 2018.

  • Nov 21, 2017

    Museum de Buitenplaats purchases the sculpture "Hours"

    After the sculpture Atlas, purchased in 2009, the sculpture Hours has now also been added to the beautiful museum garden in Eelde.

  • Jul 27, 2017

    The documentary bu Frans Weisz "The Hour of the Wolf" on NPO 2 at 22.55 PM


  • Jun 04, 2017

    Deeply Related - Käthe Kollwitz & Lotta Blokker

  • Feb 11, 2017

    Fourth print of the catalogue

    You can order the cataogue here: http://www.waandersdekunst.nl/lotta-blokker-the-hour-of-the-wolf.html

  • Feb 11, 2017

    Opening in Museum Jan Cunen
    Lotta Blokker - The Hour of the Wolf
    Feb 11- May 28
    The Hour of the Wolf is the hour between night and dawn. It is the hour when most people die, when sleep is deepest, when nightmares are most real. It is the hour when sleepless are haunted bu their deepest fear. 
    It inspired sculptor Lotta Blokker to a group of bronze sculptures in all phases of life.
    What happens at night, when the lights go out and the telephone no longer rings? When there are no appointments and the deep silence begins?’
    The Dutch sculptor Lotta Blokker (Amsterdam 1980) often pondered over these questions, even as a child, as she lay awake and thought that everyone was asleep but her. Taking these memories as her starting point, she created the series entitled The Hour of the Wolf: nine life-size bronze sculptures that depict the feelings of the sleepless.
    The figures from ‘The Hour of the Wolf’ series – on which Blokker worked for five years – transport visitors on a nocturnal journey to various emotions. There is an encounter with an elderly demented lady who is not sure of where she is, with a staring boy pressing his hand against a window, with a young woman who is lying naked and aggravated on the ground ‘While you feel lonely during those sleepless hours, you do not realize that you are sharing this sleeplessness with many others. They, too, lie awake in the darkness, anxious or sorrowful about things that have happened or are about to happen. Or they may be excited and hopeful about what is coming. Whereas daytime provides distraction, the night – agreeably or otherwise – gives the opportunity to retreat into yourself. Your imagination goes on the rampage, ideas bubble up, solutions appear out of nowhere.’ There are no further diversions in the night and feelings can no longer be suppressed. Blokker describes her project as a nocturnal, intimate confrontation with ourself. ‘What I find so attractive in people is their sincere emotion. That is something you feel at night mostly, when people have to fall back upon themselves.’ Her bronzes are more than figures of people of flesh and blood. They are symbolic portraits that function as a mirror, so that we can recognize ourselves.

  • Oct 08, 2015

    The Hour of the Wolf on TV

    The Hour of the Wolf a film by Frans Weisz about Lotta Blokker.

    Broadcast: thursday october 8th 2015, 23.00 PM on NPO 2 in "The Hour of the Wolf".

  • Sep 29, 2015

    Premiere of the documentary The Hour of the Wolf at the Dutch Film Festival

    The Hour of the Wolf is the hour between night and dawn. It is the hour when most people die, when sleep is deepest, when nightmares are most real. It is the hour when sleepless are haunted bu their deepest fear. 

    It inspired sculptor Lotta Blokker to a group of bronze sculptures in all phases of life. The documentary doesn't only show the work on the project, but also the intimacy of Blokkers own struggles and fears during her own sleepless hours. "Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter, " is the motto borrowed from Oscar Wilde .
    Director: Frans Weisz

  • Aug 19, 2015

    Exhibition Pavilion The Hour of the Wolf

    What happens at night, when the lights go out and the telephone no longer rings? When there are no appointments and the deep silence begins?’
    The Dutch sculptor Lotta Blokker (Amsterdam 1980) often pondered over these questions, even as a child, as she lay awake and thought that everyone was asleep but her. Taking these memories as her starting point, she created the series entitled The Hour of the Wolf: nine life-size bronze sculptures that depict the feelings of the sleepless.
    NOHNIK was asked to develop an architectural concept.
    The basis of this concept lies in the architectural interpretation of the nine sculptures. Subsequently, nine specific areas or suggestions of spaces are designed for the purpose of facilitating the expression of the sculptures. The individual areas are linked together to form a composition which forms a route through the night and through the city. The design is simple and minimal in form and materials and tries to bring the emotion of the sculptures to full expression.

  • Jun 21, 2015

    Opening in Käthe-Kollwitz-Museum Berlin

    22.06.2015 - 01.11.2015 - In Dialogue with Käthe Kollwitz: Lotta Blokker
    The Käthe Kollwitz Museum in Berlin places works by young Dutch sculptor Lotta Blokker in dialogue with works by Käthe Kollwitz.
    This dialogue shows how differently the younger and the older artist tackle such themes as love, death, joy, and pain. Käthe Kollwitz has been a source of inspiration for Lotta Blokker since her formative years. This is Lotta Blokker’s first exhibition in Berlin.
    A catalogue, “Lotta Blokker: The Hour of the Wolf”, has been published to accompany the exhibition (Dutch, English, German; 128 pages, €25).

  • Mar 07, 2015

    Opening in Panorama Museum

    ‘What happens at night, when the lights go out and the telephone no longer rings? When there are no appointments and the deep silence begins?’
    The Dutch sculptor Lotta Blokker (Amsterdam 1980) often pondered over these questions, even as a child, as she lay awake and thought that everyone was asleep but her. Taking these memories as her starting point, she created the series entitled The Hour of the Wolf: nine life-size bronze sculptures that depict the feelings of the sleepless. In addition to this work, she exhibits various other figurative works in which she has managed to capture the soul of the subject portrayed. Blokker’s sculptures have enormous eloquence. In contrast to her young and delicate appearance, her hands are those of an experienced, established artist. Similar to the French sculptor August Rodin, Blokker also creates expressive sculptures that approach the oeuvre of German artist Käthe Kollwitz in their vulnerable allure. This makes her work powerful and impressive, but also very human and recognizable.

  • Sep 01, 2014

    Catalogue Lotta Blokker, The Hour of the Wolf

    Waanders Publishers will issue a book to accompany the exhibition ‘Lotta Blokker – The Hour of the Wolf’
    Hardcover, Dutch/Englisch/German

    The figures from ‘The Hour of the Wolf’ series – on which Blokker worked for five years and which are now on show in Museum de Fundatie for the first time – transport visitors on a nocturnal journey to various emotions. There is an encounter with an elderly demented lady who is not sure of where she is, with a staring boy pressing his hand against a window, with a young woman who is lying naked and aggravated on the ground ‘While you feel lonely during those sleepless hours, you do not realize that you are sharing this sleeplessness with many others. They, too, lie awake in the darkness, anxious or sorrowful
    about things that have happened or are about to happen. Or they may be excited and hopeful about what is coming. Whereas daytime provides distraction, the night – agreeably or otherwise – gives the opportunity to retreat into yourself. Your imagination goes on the rampage, ideas bubble up, solutions appear out of nowhere.’ There are no further diversions in the night and feelings can no longer be suppressed. Blokker describes her project as a nocturnal, intimate confrontation with ourself. ‘What I find so attractive in people is their sincere emotion. That is something you feel at night mostly, when people have to fall back upon themselves.’ Her bronzes are more than figures of people of flesh and blood. They are symbolic portraits that function as a mirror, so that we can recognize ourselves.

  • Aug 30, 2014

    Opening in Museum de Fundatie


    ‘What happens at night, when the lights go out and the telephone no longer rings? When there are no appointments and the deep silence begins?’
    The Dutch sculptor Lotta Blokker (Amsterdam 1980) often pondered over these questions, even as a child, as she lay awake and thought that everyone was asleep but her. Taking these memories as her starting point, she created the series entitled The Hour of the Wolf: nine life-size bronze sculptures that depict the feelings of the sleepless. Museum de Fundatie will display this intimate project, in which Blokker gives expression to her yearning to be able to come close to someone else, from 30 August 2014 to 4 January 2015. In addition to this work, she exhibits various other figurative works in which she has managed to capture the soul of the subject portrayed. Blokker’s sculptures have enormous eloquence. In contrast to her young and delicate appearance, her hands are those of an experienced, established artist. Similar to the French sculptor August Rodin, Blokker also creates expressive sculptures that approach the oeuvre of German artist Käthe Kollwitz in their vulnerable allure. This makes her work powerful and impressive, but also very human and recognizable.

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